El Ejército chileno somete a sus soldados del sur a dura competencia en Magallanes.

Representative teams of the units that form the V Division of the Chilean Army carried out the Guerrero Austral 2024 competition, in which 40 members faced a rigorous circuit of physical and tactical tests to put their combat skills and abilities to the test in the Magallanes and Chilean Antarctic Region.

According to La Prensa Austral, this activity, framed in the celebration of the Month of the Homeland, aimed not only to test physical capacity but also leadership and teamwork of each team composed of an officer and a non-commissioned officer belonging to the units operating and training in the southernmost region of Chile.

The combat shooting, march, and close combat tests were carried out in the Instruction and Training Field Between Winds, while the 8 km run, 400 m swim, and military training field activities took place on the Costanera del Estrecho de Magallanes, at the Goleta Ancud monument in Punta Arenas.

«The motivation to carry out the competition was to highlight the attributes of the southern soldier who serves in the V Army Division,» said Major Hernán Oyanguren, commander of Infantry Battalion No. 10 Pudeto.

The winners in the Gold category of the Guerrero Austral 2024 competition were the 4th Armored Brigade Chorrillos and Regiment No. 10 Pudeto from Punta Arenas, and Motorized Detachment No. 11 Caupolicán from Porvenir.



